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More than 13.000 treatments with Endo-SPONGE® worldwide proves its benefits improving patients quality of life.


Improve quality of life 

Anastomotic leakage is particularly unpleasant for patients, since infected secretion builds up at the sphincter. This normally causes a considerable odour nuisance for themselves and also for the people around. For the patients, this represents an enormous psychological strain, the loss of their social contacts and an almost unimaginable deterioration in their quality of life. With Endo-SPONGE®, unpleasant odours disappear almost completely, the patients quality of life improves significantly, and they can once more participate in social activities practically without restriction. [6], [7], [8]

Ambulatory treatment possible

Endo-SPONGE® also reduces the time spent in intensive care and allows an earlier discharge of patients into out-patient care, helping them to get back to normal life as soon as possible. [5], [6], [7]

Good patient acceptance

Endo-SPONGE® treatment for leakage is well tolerated by the majority of the patients with respect to pain and alteration in daily life activity. It is important to explain them about the procedure and its maintenance at home in order to get them prepared and increase acceptance. [6], [7], [8]

Reduce the trend of re-intervention

Endo-SPONGE® has the potential to decrease the number of re-interventions and thus reduce morbidity and mortality among patients. [4]